Amazing! S3 v.2 (picture frame) improv session with Nicola 10.03.2021

Tonight, a refined Saundaryalahari system was ready and improvised to with very little discussion necessary (!). This system involved audiovisual patches that sent responsive visual information to envelope trackers, random voltage generators AND analogue waveforms generated by the 3trins. The effect was quite responsive and easy to control, as the visual patches were left with only 3 or 4 variables at a time - much more manageable. The audio manipulation was primarily achieved through Spectral Mode in Clouds (again!).

The score of Saundaryalahari 3 v.2 was cut up and put into slides and played back in random order (similar to the technique used by Mauricio Kagel in Prima Vista) and with the Sricakra establishing the beginning and end to the work. So, this process was fully aleatoric.

Listen for yourselves (also with an excellent Zoom recorded complete visual performance, including score and cameras). Click on each image to play the two improvisations from this week’s session.